This is my head!
And I made an effort. I swept and mopped the kitchen and front bathroom. Got company coming over for a few minutes.
My mouth tastes horrible today. Imagine a sour beer left out in the sun with a heaping table spoon of baking soda and a Buckley's cough syrup chaser.
Getting my ducks in order this week. Actually have 3 clients who've paid me for services rendered (going back as far a November!) Just when you think you're going to be pooched...
Gotta start thinking about how to make more money with design. How to market me. Ya, it's great that there's so much word of mouth out there that I get those occasional gigs... but I need more steady action. Need to figure out how to be a facilitator.
Pretty bad to be feeling this shaky, hot and sweaty and to have finances constantly niggling at my right ear.
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