1.) The poison ivy that required steroids the accelerated the scar tissue around the mass so that I found it early
2.) The poison ivy that showed me what real pain feels like!! - everything else is a walk in the park!
3.) I live 15 blocks from one of the best cancer centers in Canada. When it warms up I'll be able to walk there.
4.) I have 2 in-laws who are emerge nurses living near by.
5.) My hair grows fast.
6.) I'm one of the lucky ones who tolerates the drugs well enough.
7.) So many supportive family and friends!
8.) I've been meaning to start eating more fruits and veg... now to tackle the weights. Baby steps.
9.) If need ing a nap is the worst of my symptoms... Bring it on!
10.) Chemo clear up acne!
11.) I look good in scarves
12.) No vacuuming! (I'm not allowed to)
13.) Too.. weak.. to.. cook.. dinner.... Don't mind being waited on night after night.
14.) Amazing boss! Time off as needed, work from home when too weak to make the commute.
15.) My cats are super affectionate these days. - hey, wait a minute. What do they know that I don't know?